Essential Setup Tool
Inexpensive but invaluable, this tool makes a big difference to any setup. Easily, and often overlooked, the importance of correct alignment, and precision set up, of any HIFI equipment is essential. The alignment gauge can be used with most systems but without it you'll never realise and release the full benefits of your equipment and your listening pleasure will ultimately be compromised.
Alignment Gauge
The mirrored surface makes all measurements easier and more accurate. The mirror's parallax effect allows the elimination of sighting errors, and provides better lighting, critical in making fine adjustments on small parts. The two null points on the specific alignment tools are surrounded by parallel lines, making cartridge body alignment, both front and rear very precise and the long 'tail' alignment line is extended so that the stylus itself can be checked and aligned in case of cartridge manufacturing errors. Whilst our Universal Alignment Gauge will be very accurate, the arm specific alignment gauges are 100% precise to the arm involved. Currently we have specific gauges for SME, Rega and Linn arms.