
Phono PreAmps

50 products

JDS Labs Atom Phono PreampJDS Labs Atom Phono Preamp
Luxman E-250 Phono PreamplifierLuxman E-250 Phono Preamplifier
Clearaudio Azimuth OptimizerClearaudio Azimuth Optimizer
Clearaudio Statement Phono StageClearaudio Statement Phono Stage
AVID HIFI Pellar Phono StageAVID HIFI Pellar Phono Stage

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What can our Phono PreAmps do for you?

You can’t just plug a regular turntable into an amplifier. Its output is extremely low in level – typically around one thousandth of the output level of a CD player. If it uses a moving coil cartridge rather than the more common moving magnet cartridge, its output is typically around one ten-thousandth of that of a CD player. So its signal has to be boosted enormously. Furthermore, when a vinyl record is mastered, its bass is reduced by a huge amount and its treble is boosted by an equally huge amount. This has to be corrected or the sound will be so thin as to be unlistenable.

That’s where a phono preamp comes in. Some turntables have the phono preamplifier built in, although that’s very rare for high-end turntables. Some amplifiers have a phono preamp built in – they routinely did back in the 70s and 80s – but almost all of these are good only for moving magnet cartridges. A standalone phono preamplifier generally provides better performance and versatility. And allows you to match its performance characteristics to your turntable’s cartridge.

The best brands

At Addicted To Audio we carry phono preamps from some of the finest specialist brands in the world, such as AVID HIFI, Bryston, MOON by Simaudio, Mytek, iFi audio, Octave, Peachtree Audio, Schitt Audio, SPL and Naim Audio. You may not be familiar with some of those brands, but they’ve got a quality experience in store for your ears.

The best place to buy a phono preamp

There are two great ways to buy a phono preamp. The best way for most people is at a quality retail outlet in your city. That way you can have a listen, try some out, see whether they feel like a good “fit” for you. And, of course, receive expert advice, particularly on suitability for use with your other equipment. But if you’re confident that you already know what you want, consider purchasing your preamp direct from us at Addicted To Audio. We are an authorised New Zealand reseller for all our products. We provide full service and after sales support. And we ship fast.