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As many would expect, Siltech’s flagship power cable is an engineering tour de force. It brings together our purest monocrystal silver conductors. These are in as thick a form as we can manufacture them. The conductors go together with a sophisticated multicell dielectric and shielding package, and the finest connectors money can buy.

The Triple Crown power cable was designed using advanced Multiphysics software (COMSOL), measuring equipment by FW Bell (3D Gauss), and Audio Precision (THD). All of these, reduce the distortion-causing magnetic leakage. The cable is balanced for optimum results with both switching and non-switching amplifiers. It minimizes the effects of radiofrequency, electromagnetic, and mechanical interference.

Our power cable in this range gives the cleanest possible feed into your hi-fi equipment. Also, the external interference is minimal. Sure enough, the result is spectacularly natural. The impeccable sound has to be heard to be believed.

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